Year 2 Topic

Year 2 are enjoying learning all about Flight and Gliding in our DT topic.    

KS1 Nativity

A fantastic Christmas performance by our KS1 children today! We are so proud of them!

Science in Year 2

In year 2, as part of our ‘Healthy Eating’ topic in Science, we have designed and made our own healthy pizza. Look how delicious they look

Tricky words!

Practising reading our tricky words today in reading

Year 2 Handa’s Surprise

This week, in year 2, we are reading Handa’s Surprise. Yesterday, we explored the fruit from the story. We described the fruit using sight, touch and taste.

Geography in Year 2

Geography in year 2. Ask us about the 7 continents and 5 oceans Use this link to help me at home: …

How germs spread

  Today, year 2 have been investigating how germs spread thankfully, we used glitter!

Year 2 Rainbow Grammar

Year 2 have been investigating the different parts of a sentence this week using rainbow grammar