Look at our colour mixing!

Look at our colour mixing! In F1, our story this week is called ‘Mixed’. In the beginning, there were three colours: Reds, Blues, and Yellows. We explored how these characters mixed to create lots of different colours!#EYFS #EarlyYears
Exploring Pumpkins in Foundation 1

In F1 we have been exploring pumpkins. We used key words to demonstrate language… “Heavy” “Smooth” “Hard”… quickly turned into “Gooey” “Sticky” “Soft” as the children noticed “The pumpkin has started to crack”#EYFS #EarlyYears
Den building! Team building!

Den building! Team building!In F1, we have enjoyed building dens using tarpaulin, ropes, pipes, pegs… and helping hands! #EYFS #EarlyYears
All those exciting books at the library!

All those exciting books at the library!@NottsLibrariesHere are pictures from one of our F1 children choosing her own books to share at home. We love seeing your posts on Tapestry!
Wow! Super name writing!

Wow! Super name writing!F1 have explored pencil crayons to colour in our characters from the story this week, ‘Night Monkey, Day Monkey’.
Bedtime stories for F1!

Bedtime stories for F1! Listen to Miss English read you a story as you get ready for bed.‘Port Side Pirates!’ has been uploaded to Tapestry. Comment on Tapestry to vote for the story you want to hear next…or… #EarlyYears
F1 Home Learning

The tricky word trucks are here!The new F1 learning packs are making an appearance on Tapestry. Keep up the great work!We love to see your videos!#EarlyYears #HomeLearning https://twitter.com/i/status/1283111761030385665
F1 Home Learning

A story sack can help you enhance your story telling. Look at this wonderful home learning example… In F1, The Three Little Pigs is one of our favourite stories!#EarlyYears #HomeLearning
Look out! F1 pirates are about!

Look out! F1 pirates are about! Get your telescopes, what can you see?Treasure maps and lots of clues. Ahharr!https://youtu.be/_qAngsMJD3I Port Side Pirates! #EarlyYears #HomeLearning
F1 Home Learning

If your F1 child is learning from home, please remember there are home learning suggestions for you to view on Tapestry!We look forward to seeing all your pictures and comments! https://twitter.com/sirdonaldbailey/status/1268597852239990784