Pre-school and F1 parents morning drop off

Please see the divide to keep Pre-School and F1 parents separate at morning drop off. Please get hands ready for cleaning. Thank you!
The Gruffalo

F1 are reading ‘The Gruffalo’. We found mud and sticks from the deep dark wood. We made patterns with the sticks in the mud before having a go at name writing. We loved using the sticks and mud as a mark making tool!See if you can make marks in the mud using a stick at […]
Goldilocks and the Three Bears

In F1, we shared the story ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. We reflected on the events and thought about how we could make Baby Bear feel better. We explored the illustrations and filled his bowl back up with porridge!
Message for PRE-SCHOOL and FOUNDATION 1 (as posted on Tapestry)

Exploring foam…

F1 explored foam to act out part of the story ‘The Polar Bear and the Snow Cloud’.We tried to make snow characters just like the snow cloud but… “Achoo!”… they turned into snowflakes!#EYFS #EarlyYears
Reading in Foundation 1

F1 have been reading ‘There’s a Dragon in Your Book’.We acted out part of the story. The dragon sneezed and we needed to use the water balloons to put out the flames! After nearly 100 balloons filled with powder paint and water… we put out the fire!#EYFS #EarlyYears
Remembrance Day

In F1 we explored the ‘Poppies animation’ video by CBeebies. We spoke about ways to show our respect and observed the two minutes silence #EYFS #RemembranceDay
F1 Fire Safety

F1 explored fire safety this week through the story ‘Frances the Firefly’. Here are our fire pictures and handprint high fives. F1 say high five to you for being so brave and putting out fires @nottsfire #EYFS #EarlyYears
Thank you Asda Newark!

Thank you @AsdaNewark for the amazing donation!We opened the package to find books, crafts, clothing and role play items!F1 are especially excited to play with the till and trolley, acting as customers and shopkeepers. #EarlyYears
Our favourite story this half-term

We have enjoyed a number of stories this half-term in F1. ‘The Colour Monster’ was voted the favouriteThis story is a great way to explore different emotions through colour! #EYFS #EarlyYears