All the staff are ready to welcome the children back to the Sir Donald Bailey Academy on Tuesday 1st September. Please remember to Social Distance when arriving at school. Masks do not need to be worn outside, but adults should wear them when entering the main school office. Classroom doors will be open from 8.30am to help with dropping more than one child off at school. Children will be in their normal class sizes, but kept in ‘Year Group Bubbles’, at playtimes. Children do not need to bring pencil cases as all equipment will be provided for them. If you pick up more than one child, then you can collect them all at the same time.
Key messages for parents are as follows: • If a child has symptoms, parents must not send their children to school, but should keep them at home and book a test. • Follow isolation guidance until the result is received (and thereafter, if the test result is positive • Parents and staff should notify the school immediately of the test results. • If there is a positive test result for anyone in a household, all the other household members (including children) must isolate in line with guidance. If a family is contacted by national NHS Test and Trace contact tracers, their instructions must be followed. Children must not be sent to school if Test and Trace identifies that a child should be self-isolating