Art in Year 2

Year 2 are learning about different sketching techniques in art. Today we sketched a range of exotic fruits using the correct shading techniques and colours.
Please Read

Schools have been working hard to ensure sensible measures are in place and are looking forward to welcoming back pupils to enjoy all the benefits that school brings.
Tips for parents and caregivers – preparing your child to return to school | Mental Health Foundation
Girls Football

If your child is interested in playing Girls football, either competitively or just for fun, this may be of interest to you. Fantastic coaching in a friendly and welcoming environment.
Back to School Important Information

All the staff are ready to welcome the children back to the Sir Donald Bailey Academy on Tuesday 1st September. Please remember to Social Distance when arriving at school. Masks do not need to be worn outside, but adults should wear them when entering the main school office. Classroom doors will be open from 8.30am […]