Class Dojo App
The Y5 teachers have been enjoying seeing what the children have been doing at home using the Class Dojo app. There have been lots of fantastic pictures being posted including new skills being learnt, beautiful artwork and reflections of what they are grateful for
Purple Mash
Year 5 have been using Purple Mash to write a story about a dragon
Year 5 Reading Comphrehension
Year 5 have been using their text from reading comprehension this week to draw an illustration of Miss Root from the Demon Dentist
Year 5 Using Chalks
Year 5 have been using chalks to recreate the Northern Lights
WBD 2020
A lovely afternoon in Year 5, spending time reading with people from home
WBD 2020
Year 5 staff getting into the World Book Day spirit!
Year 5 Readers
Another 3 children in Year 5 have completed 20 days reading and been awarded a certificate!
Internet Safety Day 2020
Year 5 have written an acrostic poem based on internet safety #internetsafetyday2020
Debating in Year 5
Year 5 were having a debate this afternoon about who was the better king: Alfred the Great or Edward the Confessor
Another book worm!
Another reader in Miss Thompson’s class (Year 5) who has read 20 times this term!