Year 1 Instruments

Year 1 have enjoyed playing musical instruments in the sunshine this afternoon

Year 1 Trip

Year 1 had a fantastic time exploring Newark Castle last Wednesday

Year 1 PE

Year 1 have thoroughly enjoyed the start of their new P.e topic, DODGEBALL Especially trying to get Miss Richardson, Miss Greaves and Miss Chessor out ! #sports #inspire #motivate #dodgeball

Year 1 sandwich making

Year 1 have enjoyed making sandwiches as part of learning how to follow and sequence instructions this week. We also enjoyed eating them

Year 1 Topic

Year 1 have learnt all about India today. We imagined we were visiting India and we wrote postcards to our parents and friends back in England. Harry proudly shows his postcard: ‘In India it is very hot. It has lots of curries. I have been in a taxi it is very small.’ Well done!