Year 1 Acting

Year 1 are having fun acting out the story of ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt,’I think we may have some good actors and actresses. Check out twitter @sirdonaldbailey for a video.
Year 1 Cosmic Yoga

Year one relaxing and stretching ‘Cosmic yoga’.
Year 1 Maths fun

Year 1 have had fun singing their numbers to 100 and are loving their times tables as they are mixing it with exercise Check out our Twitter page @sirdonalbailey for the videos.
Year 1 PE

Year 1 enjoyed P.E.and the sunshine they warmed up playing ‘beans’.
KS1 Multi-Sports Competition

Some of our pupils from KS1 took part in our first Multi-Sports competition, and we came 2nd Super proud of all the children, they did amazing #TeamSDBA
Year 1 Clumber Park Trip

Year 1 had a fantastic day visiting Clumber Park. We didn’t let the miserable weather dampen our fun!
Year 1 Trip to Morrisons

Year 1 had a fab time visiting Morrisons , learning about where different food comes from and tasting some food too
Football in the sunshine

Our Year 1’s improving their football skills in the sunshine
Year 1 Painting

Year 1 have enjoyed painting in the style of Georgia O’Keefe
Year 1 Dodgeball Tournament

This afternoon Miss Richardson has organised an intra-school dodgeball competition between our 3 Year 1 classes. Who will be crowned dodgeball winners? #TeamDriver #TeamSmoothey #TeamMiller And the Year 1 Dodgeball Tournament winners are… Miss Smoothey’s class A huge well done to all our children today that took part. It has been our PE topic this […]