Year 1 Trip to Newark Castle

What a beautiful day! Year 1 have conquered the castle! Miss Miller was extremely excited!
WBD 2020

A great end to World Book Day. We were lucky enough to have our parent/carers in to read our favourite stories #WBD2020
Year 1 Puppet Show

The children in year 1 have read instructions, ordered them and made puppets. We are now delighted to present the show
Internet Safety Day 2020

Year 1 have been learning a song about staying safe online.
Year 1 Purple Mash

Year 1 have had a great time using Purple Mash! They logged on and even helped Mrs Hill! The children have all got their own logins, so they can login anytime
Year 1 Science Investigation

Year 1 have carried out a science investigation! They have dissected poo and made predictions. They decided whether the poo came from a herbivore, a carnivore or an omnivore depending on the poo contents!!
100% Attenders in Year 1

These children have 100% attendance! Well done
KS1 Nativity

A fantastic Christmas performance by our KS1 children today! We are so proud of them!
Science in Year 1

In science, year 1 have been learning about ‘Animals including Humans’. The children have enjoyed sorting animals into land and water creatures! Well done.
Year 1 Yoga

Year 1 are stretching and exercising to Cosmic Yoga!