F2 Bear Biscuits
This week, F2 have been making bear biscuits related to our story ‘Can’t you sleep little bear’. We talked about the different ingredients and all helped to make the dough. We are looking forward to tasting them today 😋
Parent Factsheet
Please see attached the information fact sheet about your child attending the early years provision!
Foundation 2 Introductory Video
We look forward to welcoming all new children into our Preschool, Foundation 1 and Foundation 2. Please watch our videos for each year group so that you and your child can begin to familiarise yourself with the classrooms, outdoor areas and other areas of school your child will be learning in. Details will be shared […]
Letters & Sounds
For our Foundation 2 and Year 1 parents – check out these phonics lessons for your children: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_FbjYUP_UtldV2K_-niWw/videos
Foundation 2 Easter Bonnet Parade
Foundation 2 are holding an Easter Bonnet parade. The teachers have already made theirs. Can you guess who they are?See our website for more details.
Drop the dummy!
We’ve had the visit from the Dummy Fairy! This week, he has collected dummies from F1 and F2 children and he wants to collect more!Drop the dummy!
It’s snowing!
F2 took advantage of the snow They all loved trying to catch a snowflake on their tongues!
Tooth brushing in Foundation 2
F2 looking after their teeth
Measuring in Foundation 2
Our F2 children are measuring the giant footprints with paint and wellies to see how big they are!!
New Cool Milk cups
F2 enjoying drinking milk in their new ‘Cool Milk’ re-usable cups #coolmilk #reusable