Parent Factsheet

Please see attached the information fact sheet about your child attending the early years provision!
Time talking video on Tapestry

If your F1 child is due to soon be returning to school, please view the talking time video Miss English has added to Tapestry!
F1 Home Learning

Using Tapestry and seeing your uploads really makes us smile! F1 teachers love to see all your home learning. Thank you for keeping us updated with comments, pictures and videos!
Happy jars galore!

Story reading on Tapestry

Miss English met the Colour Monster. Story reading on Tapestry! I hope you find the time to watchI spy a happy jar…Happy to be reading to you and to see all your learning snapshots!
Weekend Reading

F1 have been busy over the weekend. Thank you to those who shared their news! We are especially loving the pictures of weekend reading!
Foundation 1 Introductory Video

We look forward to welcoming all new children into our Preschool, Foundation 1 and Foundation 2. Please watch our videos for each year group so that you and your child can begin to familiarise yourself with the classrooms, outdoor areas and other areas of school your child will be learning in. Details will be shared […]
Happy Home Learning!

We love seeing your learning across early years!Happy home learning. Keep sharing!
Who is who?

In Pre-Sch and F1, we are learning about growing. Look over your baby photos – you have grown!Here are pictures of adults you might be familiar with from school… Pre-School and F1 adults, Ms Harris, Doug, Mrs Connolly… Who is who? Tweet us or view Tapestry to comment
More Home Learning Ideas

Pre-School and F1, remember to keep checking Tapestry for more home learning ideas! We love to see your pictures and view your work on Purple Mash. Keep us posted!