F2 Bear Biscuits
This week, F2 have been making bear biscuits related to our story ‘Can’t you sleep little bear’. We talked about the different ingredients and all helped to make the dough. We are looking forward to tasting them today 😋
Year 3 Topic
Year 3 have enjoyed dissecting Stone Age poo in topic today
Today, Year 2 set their butterflies free!
Year 2 Caterpillars
Year 2 will be very excited. Look what has happened!
Recycling Week
This week is recycling week. Are you up for the challenge?
Physical Geography in Year 2
The children in year 2 have been comparing Kingston in Jamaica with Newark. They have been looking at the physical geography of Jamaica and drawing the features they can see.
Year 2 Caterpillars
Year 2 are very excited, our caterpillarshave now turned into chrysalis
New Social Distancing Rules in place
To avoid congestion on the playground from Monday 21st September:- All Year One (including 1W) children to enter through the little side gate and exit through the Pre-school gate. All other Years, follow the arrows on the playground. Thank you.
Our Pre-School, for children aged 2-years-old!
Our Pre-School, for children aged 2-years-old! Find out more information on our website page https://sirdonaldbailey.co.uk/curriculum/pre-school/
Year 2 Science
Year 2 are very excited to see the development of their new class pets!#science