Thank you!
Thank you so much to Newark Homebase for this amazing donation. The children are going to love it
Pre-school and F1 parents morning drop off
Please see the divide to keep Pre-School and F1 parents separate at morning drop off. Please get hands ready for cleaning. Thank you!
Back to school info and advice
Please keep your distance from anyone not in your household before and after school and remind your children to do the same. By keeping at least 2 metres apart we can help stop the spread of the virus. Thank you! More info and advice
The Gruffalo
F1 are reading ‘The Gruffalo’. We found mud and sticks from the deep dark wood. We made patterns with the sticks in the mud before having a go at name writing. We loved using the sticks and mud as a mark making tool!See if you can make marks in the mud using a stick at […]
Coronavirus Remote Learning
Coronavirus Remote Learning – Parklands Primary School Mr Dyson says we can read his books! Clink the link and go to the Virtual books and choose a book off the shelf! Thank you @chrisdysonHT
Children’s Mental Health Week 2021
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
In F1, we shared the story ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. We reflected on the events and thought about how we could make Baby Bear feel better. We explored the illustrations and filled his bowl back up with porridge!
Real PE Display
Our brand new real PE display is now up in the Sports and Arts hall. Real PE is an exciting new PE scheme that we are now teaching in school and it is also available for children to access at home. More information will be sent out in the coming weeks.
Message for PRE-SCHOOL and FOUNDATION 1 (as posted on Tapestry)
Feeling Festive!
The Year 3 teachers are feeling festive for Christmas jumper day even though they are at home