
#ThankOurChildren The Lord-Lieutenant of Nottinghamshire has launched an initiative to thank every child to recognise their determination, resilience and motivation, which is helping the National effort in succeeding during Coronavirus outbreak. Please download the certificate of achievement and give this to your child from the Lord- Lieutenant. This can be found on Twitter or on the […]
School Improvement Newsletter

Please follow the link to view the latest School Improvement Newsletter: https://sirdonaldbailey.co.uk/news-events/parent-newsletters/
Challenge 18

Challenge 18- Squat Star Jumpshttps://twitter.com/sirdonaldbailey/status/1252498083101003776
10 fun ways to Home School

Out of the Ark Music

With longer, warmer days and signs of spring everywhere around us, this is the perfect song for celebrating this time of year. Definitely a song to make you smile! https://outoftheark.co.uk/ootam-at-home/#saturday4… #FamilySaturday
Oak National Academy

Have a look at the new Oak National Academy #staysafe https://www.thenational.academy/
BBC Bitesize

Bite size have some great daily activities. Have a look
Oak National Academy

See post from Oak National Academy on Twitter: We know how hard teachers have been working since schools closed. Our free lessons and resources are designed to complement existing teaching and planning. Created by 40 state school teachers working together to respond to school closures. Website launches tomorrow morning
Challenge 17

Challenge 17- Juggling (levels)https://twitter.com/sirdonaldbailey/status/1252131429280088069
Medical Advice for Parents