A message from Mr Evans regarding sport!

A message from Mr Evans regarding sport! 👍 pic.twitter.com/Yf8d6kiSp6 — Sir Donald Bailey (@sirdonaldbailey) April 4, 2020
A mass teddy bear hunt!

A mass teddy bear hunt is under way around the world to help distract the millions of children locked down because of the coronavirus pandemic. Stuffed toys are being placed in windows to give children a fun and safe activity while walking around their neighbourhood with parents. We are joining in, look at our teddy sitting […]
Hungry little minds

As shared with F1 and Pre-School on Tapestry!Kids take everything in, and even the smallest things you do with them can make a big differenceFor simple, fun activities for kids – from newborns up to five-year-olds – visit Hungry Little Mindshttps://hungrylittleminds.campaign.gov.uk #HungryLittleMinds

#staysaferainbow Made by some of the key worker children who are at our after school club#staysafe
Class Dojo app

Year 6 teachers are really enjoying seeing what the children have been doing at home via our Class Dojo app! Lots of fantastic photographs of artwork and sewing to make us all smile. Keep up the fantastic work Year 6 and stay safe.
Well done to everyone who has joined in!

Tweet on the Body Coach’s account: If you missed the announcement today, I shared an update on how much money we’ve raised so far from advertising on YouTubeThanks to you and everyone that has taken part and watched the #PEWithJoe workouts… we’ve together raised just over £80,000 for the NHS
More free resources

https://resource-bank.scholastic.co.uk/search/search?age_type=age_range&breadcrumb%5B%5D=query&search%5Bmag_id%5D=76680&search%5Bquery%5D=home+learning… This is a great site with lots to do for free. Have a go at the spelling and Easter activities too!
New ‘Animals’ Comprehension Plus pack

5 x information texts – Sharks vs Whales – Habitats – Animal Groups – Food Chains – Baby Animals https://www.literacyshedplus.com/en-gb/browse/comprehension-plus/stage-1
Science fun at home resource

Have you tried the activities from the latest Science Fun at Home resource? There’s an awesome kitchen science experiment from @ScienceSparks that involves making ice cream in a bag! https://science-sparks.com/how-to-make-ice-cream-with-ice-and-salt/…. See the full resource, here: https://pstt.org.uk/resources/curriculum-materials/Science-Fun-at-Home… #ScienceFromHome

Our firefighters have a message for you Stay Home. Save Lives. https://twitter.com/i/status/1244624713848061960