Stay at home

A message from our Speech and Language therapist, Ms Harris #StayAtHome#BeSafe    

Things to be grateful for…

Year 6 have been reflecting on things to be grateful for today! Lovely to read through their comments on this sunny afternoon.

Well done!

It’s lovely to see so many children working hard on their year group ‘2Dos’ on Purplemash.  

Twinkl Learning Hub

Twinkl Learning Hub have a daily learning timetable set up for you! There are lots of activity suggestions to support your home learning!  

Healthy minds have some great guidance and social stories, to explain to your child why things are different at the moment #healthyminds

See tweet from Carol Vorderman: My maths school is usually about £2 a week. I want to helpso it’s now FREE for children age 4-11until schools open. We’re uploading massive server capabilities, pls bear with us. With all my love   #HomeSchooling @themathsfactor @PearsonSchools

Every mind matters

Get tips and advice to look after your mental health from Every Mind Matters:

Non-screen activities

Non-screen activities! See if you can add one of these to your learning timetable this week…F1 especially like the idea of making a special story sack (number 12)Which activity will you try? #HomeLearning