The finished products

Year 2 loved the finished clay models!
Painting in Year 2

We have had a great time painting our clay hedgehogs this afternoon in Year 2. We mixed our own colours using powder paint and added more detail to our models. We used black and white to make our paint colours lighter and darker.
Year 3 Egyptian Day

Pyramid building time, we had to hide Tutankhamun in there first though!
Year 3 Egyptian Day

Year 3 have been carrying out the mummifying process.
Year 3 Egyptian Day

What teachers do before the children come in..
Year 3 Egyptian Day

Year 3 teachers are ready for their Egyptian day!
Art club

Art club are dyeing to know how their creations will turn out. We’ve used food colouring on cloth wrapped tightly with rubber bands… can’t wait till next week!
Scholastic Book Fair

Come and visit our fantastic Scholastic book fair after school in Victor Miller Atrium!#readingforpleasure
Science week

Year 6 are having fun making wire loop games! #scienceweek
Year 1 Trip to Newark Castle

What a beautiful day! Year 1 have conquered the castle! Miss Miller was extremely excited!