WBD 2020

Year 5 staff getting into the World Book Day spirit!
WBD 2020

Miss Airey’s love for Harry Potter has been passed on to year 6! #WorldBookDay
WBD 2020

Mr Sangha has had quite a transformation over night! #WBD2020
Art Club

Art club have created paper doily bowls. Now they’ve dried, they have been busy decorating with flowers and butterflies.
WBD 2020

Well done to all the children who have already brought in a book in a box entry for our WBD competition. We are so impressed with the effort and hard work shown so far and can’t wait to see the rest tomorrow!#WBD2020 #readingforpleasure
Foundation/Key Stage 1 Assembly

Annie the vet came to our Foundation/Key Stage 1 assembly and told us all about her journey to become a vet! She proved that you can do anything if you have ambition and a good work ethic!
Year 2 Visit from a Vet

Year 2 have had a lovely afternoon with Annie the vet with Whizz learning about how to look after animals.
Drop the dummy!

We’ve had the visit from the Dummy Fairy! This week, he has collected dummies from F1 and F2 children and he wants to collect more!Drop the dummy!
Year 6 Topic Work

Year 6 are working really hard writing poems about the Blitz linked to their WW2 topic
Swimming Gala

Well done to our school swimming team who finished joint 3rd in the Newark and District swimming gala. Mr Evans was delighted with the effort from all the swimmers, as well as the fantastic team spirit and the encouragement they displayed for their team mates