‘Stranger Danger’

This week, F2 have been talking about ‘stranger danger’. Today, the children designed their own cape to help them stand out in the crowd. All staff agree that the capes look fantastic!

Reading in Foundation 1

In Foundation One, the teachers are excited and prepared for our learning theme next half-term. Enjoy traditional tales over the Christmas break together, ready to join in with the stories when we return #HappyReading #EarlyYears

Year 1 Science Investigation

Year 1 have carried out a science investigation! They have dissected poo and made predictions. They decided whether the poo came from a herbivore, a carnivore or an omnivore depending on the poo contents!!

Well done!

Well done Mrs Mac’s class for having the best attendance this term in Foundation and Key Stage 1!!!

Year 6 paintings

Year 6 have been busy creating some amazing Lowry paintings this term. We are looking forward to seeing them on display

KS2 Assembly

Year 5 delivered an excellent KS2 assembly. It was great to hear what the children have been studying this term. Everyone particularly enjoyed joining in with the solar system song!

Well done!

Well done to two of our Year 6 pupils for showing our visitors around this morning. What excellent role models!