Reading support
Mrs Burgess has started her reading support for Y1 children. Keep reading everyone!
Year 5 Anti-bullying week
Y5 have also been looking into cyber bullying as a part of anti-bullying week. Here, we created posters to explain what to do if you are being cyber bullied
Year 5 Research
Y5 have been using laptops to research about the planets in our solar system
Year 1 Yorkshire Wildlife Park Trip
Year 1 have had the best time ever YWP. Thank you to all our volunteers
Year 6 Remembrance Service
The year 6 children enjoyed attending the Remembrance Service last week. They all helped to create a wreath of remembrance.
English in Year 6
Year 6 are reading ‘Street Child’ in their English lessons this term linked to their topic on the Victorians. The children can’t wait to find out what happens to Jim tomorrow… #readingforpleasure
Year 4 Dodgeball
Year 4 are really enjoying Dodgeball in PE!!
Year 1 Composition
Year 1 are preparing to see lots of animals this week! In Composition, we have been thinking of powerful adjectives to describe the animals we might see!
Please read!
Please beware!
TT Rockstars
The children enjoying TT Rockstars club