Year 5



Miss Holmes | Miss Dickens | Miss Lewis | Mrs Brown

teaching assistants

Mrs Iveson

Welcome to Year 5

A quick introduction to our year

A very warm welcome to Y5!

We are hoping that this will be a very special year for our Y5 cohort as we are planning a range of exciting activities for the children to take part in along with several school trips/school visitors. During the year, we will have your child’s progress in the forefront of our minds and hope that during carefully planned lessons, and with your support, they will make some fantastic progress!

Our year group leader is Miss Holmes who is lucky enough to have a fantastic team of Year 5 teachers. The class teachers are Miss Holmes, Miss Dickens and Miss Lewis. 

Our Children will take part in PE each week with Miss Dickens and Gary West. This is on a Monday and a Thursday. One of these sessions is a sport-based session and the other is Real PE. Our teachers have received recent training in Real PE and are excited to get started. We will also be sticking in the children’s Home School Diaries a Real PE login. This allows children to log in at home and complete a variety of sport activities at home.


We pride ourselves in our uniform at the Sir Donald Bailey Academy. Children should all come to school wearing their school blazer, purple tie (clip on or regular), black school shoes, black trousers/skirt and a white shirt.

Children’s P.E. kit should be brought into school on Monday and taken home on Fridays. Children should have a plain, white P.E. top, shorts and trainers/ plimsolls. A black pair of jogging bottoms and a black hoody should be brought during the colder months.

Home School Diaries

These are used to communicate between parents and teachers. Please note when your child has read the year 5 team will share areas that they have excelled in/could make improvements on with you. We love seeing how often you’ve read at home. We expect all Year 5 children to read as often as possible as it is a vital skill for them to master now for later in life. Home school diaries must be brought into school and checked at home daily.


Each week, on a Monday, new spellings will be given out to the children. We ask if you encourage children to practice these as frequently as possible using our school’s spelling strategies. These strategies are noted in the booklet provided to your child at the beginning of the year. Children will then be tested on those words the following Monday. You will find your child’s spelling list in their Home School Diary that they will stick in each week. Children will also glue in a slip indicating their score from their previous spelling test.

Maths homework will be set every Friday and will be expected back the following Friday. In children’s Home School Diaries, there will be a slip which indicates when the homework was set, the area of maths that it is covered and the date it is due back. Children must also complete three studio sessions on the TT Rockstar website.


Every term, we create a new focus for our learning and many of our core subjects link to either our topic or our science coverage. This cross-curricular approach, ensures that the children are receiving a maximum input and set of skills for that subject area. Our topics this year are as follows: Civil War, Anglo Saxons, Vikings, Mountains, Rivers, Earthquakes and Volcanoes. During these topics, the children will gain an understanding through research and visits about their local history and the world around them. One of these trips includes visiting the Civil War Centre in Newark, which is an enjoyable trip that the academy has been lucky enough to take part in each year. Our Science topics this year are as follows: Space, Animals including Humans, Plants, Forces and Changing of Materials. Please look at our topic web below for more information about the Curriculum covered in Y5.

The Year 5 team are always available and happy to discuss any queries you may have. Please send us a Dojo message if you have any questions.

School Day

Classroom doors open at 8.30am
Morning Session 8.40am - 12:15pm
Afternoon Session 1:00pm - 3:20pm

Curriculum Overview