Our Pre-School, for children aged 2-years-old!

If you have a child aged 2-years-old or approaching their 2nd birthday, we have funded and paid places available. Please email Preschool-teachers@sirdonaldbailey.co.uk to express your interest. Find out more information about our setting by viewing https://sirdonaldbailey.co.uk/curriculum/pre-school/…
Exploring foam…

F1 explored foam to act out part of the story ‘The Polar Bear and the Snow Cloud’.We tried to make snow characters just like the snow cloud but… “Achoo!”… they turned into snowflakes!#EYFS #EarlyYears
Anti Bullying Week

Last week it was #AntiBullyingWeek We wore odd socks to mark this day
Reading in Foundation 1

F1 have been reading ‘There’s a Dragon in Your Book’.We acted out part of the story. The dragon sneezed and we needed to use the water balloons to put out the flames! After nearly 100 balloons filled with powder paint and water… we put out the fire!#EYFS #EarlyYears
Remembrance Day

In F1 we explored the ‘Poppies animation’ video by CBeebies. We spoke about ways to show our respect and observed the two minutes silence #EYFS #RemembranceDay