Pre-school waiting list

If you have a child who will be 2 years old on the 31st August, we currently have space on the Pre-School waiting list. Funded and non funded spaces available. Please text the school or email to express your interest!
Challenge 23

Challenge 23- Tennis skills (levels) #StayHomeStayActive
Class Dojo App

The Y5 teachers have been enjoying seeing what the children have been doing at home using the Class Dojo app. There have been lots of fantastic pictures being posted including new skills being learnt, beautiful artwork and reflections of what they are grateful for
Who is who?

In Pre-Sch and F1, we are learning about growing. Look over your baby photos – you have grown!Here are pictures of adults you might be familiar with from school… Pre-School and F1 adults, Ms Harris, Doug, Mrs Connolly… Who is who? Tweet us or view Tapestry to comment