Year 5 Science Experiment

Year 5 completed a science experiment where they had to design a boat. The children were excited to see how much weight their boat would hold.
Family Photograph Sessions

There are only a few slots left for our professional family photograph sessions on the 27th November. Contact the office ASAP to book.
Children in Need 2018

We raised lots of money for Children in Need, we dressed up in something spotty or something yellow!
Feel Good Families Course

Feel good families course starting in school on the 27th November. Letters have gone out to parents.
More Stone Age work in Year 3

Year 3 have been creating Stone Age round houses. The children did some research on the different types of homes the Stone Age people had. They looked at the round house in more detail and identified what materials they needed to use.
Year 3 Stone Age Day

The children enjoyed creating cave painting, being archaeologists, learning some Stone Age songs, investigating what Stone Age people ate and creating some jewellery. What a fun day!
Year 6 Trip

Year 6 had a great day learning all about World War Two at Coventry Cathedral.
Pre-school toothbrushing

Thank you OHPtoothfairies, we love brushing our teeth in school! We listen to the toothbrushing song… “don’t forget your tongue”!